IMMERSE yourself

In order to think creatively about the impact of the connected world, you need to immerse yourself in the culture, practices and intellectual perspectives that define and exemplify the connected worldview. We highly recommend these resources as starting points for your own learning; they represent influences from technology, business strategy, psychology, games, science fiction, and more.

Twitter Total Immersion

TwitterSome of the most influential thinkers and doers in the world use Twitter to share ideas, point out interesting developments, and connect to communities of relevant interest. Learning to use Twitter effectively is one aspect of what influential writer Howard Rheingold calls “participatory media literacy” — the skills needed to understand the emerging global social medium, interpret what you see critically, and contribute to the conversation yourself. We are constantly finding interesting people to follow on Twitter, and here we share the best of these connected world resources with you.

To make it easy for you to follow our recommended lists of Twitter users, we are using a web service called TweepML. Just click on the following category links (a new window will open to the list at, select any or all of the Twitter users that interest you, and enter your Twitter username and password. In a few moments, you will automatically be following those people in Twitter.

Twitter: Connected Minds
Twitter: Connected World Designers
Twitter: Augmented Reality
Twitter: Pervasive Urban Alternate Reality Big Transmedia Game Design


A curated collection of the most interesting, provocative and insightful thinkers on Connected World topics. See the full collection of books and media at our TCW Amazon Store.

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