Augmented Reality Services

Strategy, Innovation & Execution

Lightning Laboratories offers expert knowledge and capabilities in augmented reality (AR) to guide your strategy, product development, and go-to-market execution. Download our AR Practice Brief (pdf) for details. Our AR-focused services include:

Augmented Reality Bootcamp – An intensive introduction to AR, focused on bringing your team up to speed rapidly and effectively on industry background, technologies, applications, limitations, best-in-class examples, markets, companies, value delivery ecosystem & future directions. May also include briefing your executives on the opportunities in AR, introducing you to key industry players appropriate to your business, and a hands-on introduction to AR products, applications and development tools.

AR Innovation Workshops – Working in focused creative sessions with your team, we help you identify and assess opportunities for technical and business innovation in AR and related areas of physical/digital integration. Half day to multi-day workshops are possible. Based on your goals, we can also deliver custom-tailored expert workshops involving individual thought leaders or panels of outside experts.

AR Strategy & Implementation – Customized projects to develop and implement business and technical strategies for AR. Depending on your objectives and competitive needs, projects may include one or more of the following:

  • Strategy – Identifying & developing strategic alternatives for integrating AR into your products, services and user experiences
  • AR Technology roadmaps – Developing technology roadmaps for AR capabilities in your future product lines
  • Competitive analysis – Competitive perspective on AR offerings in your industry
  • Product Requirements – Specifying detailed AR hardware & software requirements for your products
  • Partner Management – Planning, negotiating and executing AR vendor evaluation, RFI/RFQ, gap analysis & selection processes for partnerships & custom projects
  • Rapid prototyping – Quick design prototyping of AR experiences for demonstrations and reviews
  • Custom AR development – Developing customized AR capabilities & applications
  • Program management – keeping your complex AR projects (internal, agency and 3rd party developers) on target, schedule & budget on your behal

Connected World Scanning Services – Our weekly or monthly email reports keep you and your executives in-the-know on the most important developments in the AR industry, saving you time while filtering out the noise and empty hype.

Lightning Brainstorms – If all you need is a quick ideation session to kickstart your team’s AR project, we are happy to conduct lightning brainstorm sessions, either in-person or by phone.

Put Our Expertise to Work

Contact us to arrange an initial discussion about your requirements and how we might help you achieve your goals.